Learning Management Systems

Remote Learning Systems - MENASATI - A Gateway to Excellence
Menasati is the first online learning management system(LMS) to host vocational and technical training with content localized and contextualized for the UAE and the region and integrated with a comprehensive Student Information System(SIS). The CERT Technology team designed Menasati, as a multi-entity, highly adaptive platform, with the flexibility to incorporate bespoke customer solutions.
Menasati’s platform gives organizations the ability to design and deploy their own courses for formal training, mentoring and assessment. CERT’s Menasati team provides 100% learning and development support for online courses, including pre and post-training evaluation to map workplace competencies.

Virtual Classrooms

Instructor-Led Facilitation

Self-Paced Learning Solutions

Monitor Grades & Assignments

Blended Learning Solutions

Schedule Management

Material Download

Communication with Faculty and Colleagues

Attendance Rate Tracking